Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Communitarian Links

l'Action Familiale et Scolaire

Comunione e Liberazione

An article by one of the most brilliant Catholic Minds of the XXI Century!

Quest for the Catholic State, by Charles A. Coulombe


Leganord, The Italian Northern League


Marshall Petain's Constitution (en francaise)

le Marechal's Charte du Travail (en Francaise)

le Marechal's Principes de la Communaute

Marshal Petain's Constitution (in English)

Marshal Petain's Labour Charter (in English)

Marshal Petain's Principals of the Community (in English)


The League of the South

The Southern Phalange


The Third Way, a British "Distributist" Party, somewhat leftish, but of interest

Links to sections of the 2001 General Election Manifesto of the above


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A History Of Distributism Adapted from an address to the Third Way International Conference, London 16 October 1994, by Anthony Cooney, Editor of the Liverpool Newsletter

Fr Vincent McNabb, OP and Distributism. Many Links!

Distributism: Economics as if People Mattered by Dr. Peter Chojnowski

Distributivism and Catholic Social Teaching, by Dr John C. Medaille

Distributivism and Catholic Social Teaching- Links to articles, etc.

Caelum et Terra, Catholic Distributist Page

American Chesterton Society

Jim Kalb's "On To Restoration" Page. Excellent traditional conservative site, with links to books of interest.